Xu Xiake (Chinese: 徐霞客; pinyin: Xú Xiákè; Wade–Giles: Hsü Hsiak'e, January 5, 1587 – March 8, 1641), born Xu Hongzu (徐弘祖), courtesy name Zhenzhi (振之), was a Chinese travel writer and geographer of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) known best for his famous geographical treatise, and noted for his bravery and humility. He traveled throughout China for more than 30 years, documenting his travels extensively (which would be compiled posthumously into The Travel Diaries Xu Xiake, and his work translated by Ding Wenjiang).[1] Xu's writing falls under the old Chinese literary category of 'travel record literature' ('youji wenxue'“遊記文學”), which used narrative and prose styles of writing to portray one's travel experiences.[2]
徐宏祖生于(明萬曆十四年十一月二七日—崇禎十 四年正月二七日,1586-1641,字振之,號霞客,江蘇江陰人,是明代杰出的地理學家、旅行家。他一生鍾情于神州山水。在"學而優則仕"的舊封建時 代,他克服難以想像的困難,從二十二歲開始,周游全國,探析大自然的奧秘。遠足34年,足迹遍及大江南北,考察幷記載了江蘇、浙江、福建、山東、河北、山 西、陝西、河南、湖北、湖南、江西、廣東、廣西、雲南等 19多個省市的山川地形,嘔心瀝血凝成《徐霞客游記》。他因此被譽爲"千古奇人"。